How to Clean Up Paint Spills

A fresh coat of paint looks great on the walls… but not on the floor! Interior paint spills are scary things, so we have put together a few tips to help you remove the paint effectively.

The first thing to remember is to tackle the spill as soon as it happens. If the paint is left to dry, it will be a lot harder to remove, particularly if you are using an oil-based paint. Scoop up as much paint as you can, starting from the outside of the spill moving inwards. This will ensure the stain doesn’t spread. Put excess paint back into the tin or paint tray.

How to Clean Up Wet Paint Spills

Once you have scooped up as much paint as you can, absorb the remaining paint with a towel or paper towel. If there is still paint left over, try out these methods.

  • Acrylic paints can usually be washed off carpets and hardwoods using water. Dampen the area with cold water, and blot How to Clean Up Paint Spills - 4866200549 e5b466f323 owith a sponge. A detergent may help, but remember to remove all detergent with clean water before leaving to dry.
  • For oil-based paints, try thinning the paint with mineral turpentine. Use detergent and water to gently blot the stain. Do not rub, as this may make the stain larger. Rinse thoroughly with clean water before leaving to dry. Be very careful when using paint thinners, as they may affect your flooring. Do a spot test on a hidden area of your floor before spreading it over the entire spill.

How to Clean Up Dry Paint Spills

If the spill has dried, do not panic. These few tips will help you successfully remove the stain.

  • In some cases, both acrylic and oil based paints can be scraped off hard surfaces using a paint scraper. Be careful with this method, as you do not want to damage your floor.
  • On hard flooring, try pouring over some rubbing alcohol, leaving for 30 seconds, and then mopping up with a paper towel.
  • You can soften dry water-based paints using methylated spirits. Use a paper towel to gently blot the dried paint with methylated spirits until the colour transfers onto the paper towel. Then, use cold water and detergent to remove the stain.
  • Oil-based paints are more difficult to remove, as they dry harder. Try mineral turpentine or methylated spirits to soften the paint. This will only work before the paint cures completely. Otherwise, you may need to purchase a paint stripper.

More Paint Spill TipsHow to Clean Up Paint Spills - 11

  • You will be more likely to remove the spill completely if you deal with it right away. When using a solution to remove the stain, work from the outside in. That way, you will prevent the stain from spreading onto other surfaces like furniture or indoor plants.
  • When using a solution to remove the stain, work from the outside in. That way, you will prevent the stain from spreading.
  • Always wash the area with clean water before allowing it to dry.
  • Protect your floors and furniture from paint spills before you begin interior painting with plastic covers.
  • Cold water is best for removing a stain, as it will not set the paint.
  • Before you try another method of removing the spill, ensure there are no left over chemicals on the floor. You do not want to risk mixing chemicals together.

At Kraudelt Painting, we guarantee that your home will be protected from paint spills. If you’re looking for Brisbane painters you can trust, give us a call for a friendly chat about your painting needs and to receive a fast, accurate quote.

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About Louise Kraudelt

Meet Louise Kraudelt, a knowledgeable and insightful author in the field of house painting. With a passion for sharing her expertise, Louise provides valuable information and tips on all aspects of commercial and house painting in this blog.