How Brisbane Home Painters Work With the Weather
Painters are often at the mercy of extreme weather conditions so it is crucial that our professional Brisbane home painters assess weather conditions before starting any exterior painting project to ensure the best results and long-lasting finish.
Manufacturers of the quality paints that we use provide recommendations on the paint tins for things like:
- minimum and maximum painting temperatures
- drying times under varying conditions
- how long you need to wait until you can re-coat
Working outside these parameters may cause problems in the short and long term, so we always abide by their suggestions. In general, if it's wet and cold, the paint will dry more slowly creating an uneven finish. If it's excessively hot or dry, it can make the paint tricky to apply and may cause excessive brush marks and blistering.
Painting Indoors
It is easier to control indoor climate conditions, so switching on fans when it's hot, or placing a heater in the centre of the room when it's cold helps to dry paint in the required time and at the right temperature. A dehumidifier can be used in extremely humid conditions.
Painting Outdoors
Exterior walls are hotter or colder to the touch than interior walls, so these drying times are the most extreme.
Under winter conditions, we try and work when the temperatures are going to be in the suggested range for 48 hours after the job has been finished to give the paint film the best chance of forming properly. If film doesn't form properly it can result in problems like shorter paint life expectancy, mildew growth and blistering.
Extremely high temperatures may cause the paint to dry before it has had a chance to properly bond to the surface, causing it to peel in the future. It is also best to avoid painting in direct sunlight during summer because it can cause the paint to dry too quickly, leaving unsightly brush marks and possibly blistering.
Related article: Best exterior paint for hot climate
Paint blistering from trapped moisture
If it has rained, we prefer to wait until the surface has dried before painting it. Drying time varies for different surfaces because bricks, cement and wood absorb more moisture than a metal surface.
If you'd like a highly professional paint job in Brisbane done at your place, call (07) 3829 5735 today for a fast quote.